- 000 01312nam0 2200265 450
- 010 __ |a 978-7-111-73476-5 |d CNY69.00
- 100 __ |a 20231011d2023 em y0chiy50 ea
- 200 1_ |a 回避型人格自救手册 |A hui bi xing ren ge zi jiu shou ce |b 专著 |d Overcoming insecure attachment: 8 proven steps to recognizing anxious and avoidant attachment styles and building healthier, happier relationships |f (美)特蕾西·克罗斯利(Tracy Crossley)著 |g 李朝渊译 |z eng
- 210 __ |a 北京 |c 机械工业出版社 |d 2023
- 215 __ |a 20,308页 |d 21cm
- 225 1_ |a 治愈系心理学系列 |A Zhi Yu Xi Xin Li Xue Xi Lie
- 330 __ |a 本书通过对脑科学的研究帮助你对负面情绪追根溯源,让你认识到自己是如何被潜意识中负面信念操控的,从而导致逃避真实的情绪、陷入困境、拥有不安全型依恋人格和自我价值感严重缺失等。
- 510 1_ |a Overcoming insecure attachment: 8 proven steps to recognizing anxious and avoidant attachment styles and building healthier, happier relationships |z eng
- 606 0_ |a 人格障碍 |A Ren Ge Zhang Ai |x 精神疗法
- 701 _0 |c (美) |a 克罗斯利 |A ke luo si li |c (Crossley, Tracy) |4 著
- 702 _0 |a 李朝渊 |A li chao yuan |c (女) |4 译
- 801 _0 |a CN |b GDPTC |c 20241126
- 905 __ |a GDPTC |d R749.910/1